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Dental implants in New Brunswick, East Brunswick, and Middlesex, NJ
Dental implants in New Brunswick, East Brunswick, and Middlesex, NJ
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Dental implants procedure mobile.jpg

Dental Implants in Middlesex, NJ

Beautiful, Fully Functioning Replacement Teeth

At Oral Surgery Group our oral and maxillofacial surgeons offer dental implants to patients in Middlesex, NJ, and surrounding areas. Dental implants are a revolutionary tooth replacement solution that allows patients to eat, speak, and smile as if their teeth were never missing. Dental implants extend beneath the gums to create a secure foundation for your crowns. Because they mimic the structure and function of natural teeth, which have roots to secure them in place, dental implants are stronger and longer lasting than any other tooth replacement option available.

If you have one or more teeth that are missing, damaged, or decayed, we invite you to contact our office in Middlesex, New Jersey, for a consultation. Our team of oral surgeons Dr. Engel, Dr. Stern, Dr. Simos, Dr. Stern, Dr. Tanchyk, and Dr. Prabhu look forward to meeting you.

What Is a Dental Implant?

A dental implant is a prosthetic tooth designed to look, feel, and function just like a natural tooth. The implant is self-supporting, which means it requires no support from any adjacent teeth or structures. Each implant has three parts that all work together to form the final restoration. The implant post goes beneath the gums to replace your natural tooth’s root. An abutment piece will be attached to the implant after a brief healing period. Once healed, a restorative dentist will place the final crown. The final result is a natural-looking, secure replacement tooth that is just as strong as—if not stronger than—natural teeth.

Dental implants in New Brunswick, East Brunswick, and Middlesex, NJ
Dental implants in New Brunswick, East Brunswick, and Middlesex, NJ

Dental implants are the only tooth restoration option that fuses to the jaw bone and prevents bone loss.

Dental implants in New Brunswick, East Brunswick, and Middlesex, NJ
Dental implants in New Brunswick, East Brunswick, and Middlesex, NJ

If you have missing teeth, enough jaw bone, and are healthy enough to undergo general surgery, you likely qualify for dental implants.

Types of Dental Implants

Every patient is different and to help more patients achieve healthier smiles, we proudly offer a variety of implant-based tooth restoration services. During the consultation, your oral surgeon will walk you through your treatment options and determine the right implant for your smile.

  • Single Implants. One implant, including the post, abutment, and crown, replaces one tooth as many times as needed throughout the mouth.
  • Immediate Implants. If there is enough jaw bone, your surgeon can insert a dental implant post into an empty socket immediately following tooth extraction.
  • Implant-Supported Bridges. When a dental implant supports a bridge, your other teeth are spared the burden of having to support a traditional bridge. The post stimulates the jaw bone to keep it healthy, unlike traditional bridges.
  • Full-Arch Restoration. This treatment uses several implant posts to secure a fixed prosthesis in one or both arches. The results are a life-changing new smile that looks natural and is fully functional.
Dental implants in New Brunswick, East Brunswick, and Middlesex, NJ
Dental implants in New Brunswick, East Brunswick, and Middlesex, NJ

Our practice uses superior dental implant technology and techniques to produce optimal patient outcomes.

Dental Implant Surgery

Prior to undergoing any type of surgery, you will visit us for a consultation and meet with an oral surgeon. We will take 3D CBCT scans of your mouth and discuss your options for anesthesia. As oral surgeons, we are qualified to administer all forms of anesthesia, including laughing gas, local anesthesia, IV sedation, and general anesthesia.

On the day of your surgery, your oral surgeon will make sure you are prepared and relaxed before your procedure. After administering the proper anesthesia, the surgeon will insert the implants into the bone and place sutures on the surgical sites. Once healed, your general dentist will place the final crown. This crown is custom-made just for you and will blend in with your other teeth.

How Much Do Dental Implants Cost in Middlesex, NJ?

The cost of your dental implant will depend on the details of your treatment plan. This includes how many implants you need, if you require additional surgical procedures, your choice of anesthesia, and your dental insurance. We provide a cost estimate prior to performing any surgery, so you will know exactly what to expect.

Dental implants are an investment in yourself worth making. Removable dentures may be cheaper upfront, but they do not prevent bone loss and must be replaced every few years. Extensive bone loss can lead to costly and lengthy bone repair surgery, which is avoidable by choosing dental implants to give your jaw bone the stimulation it needs. An easy-to-care-for, natural-looking solution, dental implants have helped thousands of patients love their smiles again.

Denture Replacement With Dental Implants

Dentures are a non-invasive tooth replacement option that is often cheaper upfront compared to dental implants. However, dentures must be replaced every few years and can lead to extensive bone repair because they do not prevent jaw bone loss. Many patients who wear dentures find them uncomfortable and inconvenient to clean and remove when eating.

Dental implants are an investment in your confidence and oral health. Implants are a more long-term solution that restore full functionality to your teeth. If you wear full dentures, you may qualify for full-arch restoration. This treatment uses implants to hold a fixed denture for results that look and feel natural. Learn more about denture replacement in Middlesex, NJ, by contacting our office today to meet with one of our oral surgeons.

Types of Anesthesia

We offer several types of anesthesia to ensure patients remain comfortable in our care.

Hear From Dental Implant Patients

These patients can tell you about their firsthand experience undergoing dental implant treatment at our office.

Reviews From Our Dental Implant Patients

Lori DI facewall
Lori DI facewall
Lori Reviews Her Dental Implant Procedure

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"The staff here is absolutely wonderful, friendly, professional. The doctors here are wonderful. They are kind, patient, knowledgeable. Took the time to explain the procedure I was having. They've made me feel very comfortable. The procedure went extremely well and my recovery was fine. I smile all the time now and all's good. Overall wonderful experience. I would give Oral Surgery Group a ten out of five stars."

Pete had oral surgery at Oral Surgery Group
Pete had oral surgery at Oral Surgery Group
Pete Reviews His Dental Implant Procedure

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"I only wish I knew about the Oral Surgery Group and went to them 10 years ago when I started having dental work done. The minute you walk in the door at Oral Surgery Group, from the receptionists to the coordinator, the staff is wonderful. I like Dr. Stern personally. I have the utmost confidence in his work. I needed some bone grafting, number one, and then the implants because I had to have my original teeth removed. The procedure went fine. Once you get in the chair, he makes me nice and numb, which helps, and I'm very comfortable — he makes you comfortable. I like him personally. During the procedure, he always communicates with you. I'm free to ask any questions I want before, during, and after the procedure. To me, implants feel just like my real teeth. I would highly recommend the Oral Surgery Group, and that's something I don't really take lightly because you're putting your own, I guess, credibility on the line, so I have to feel very comfortable with somebody before I recommend them."

Carol got dental implants in New Brunswick, NJ
Carol got dental implants in New Brunswick, NJ
Carol Reviews Her Dental Implant Procedure

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"Dr. Simos did my implant. He was calm, reassuring. He explained every step of the way of the procedure. I had an extraction, I had bone grafting, and I had an implant placed a few months later. I had absolutely no complications at all. During the procedure, Dr. Simos told me every step of the way what was happening. He has a very calm demeanor, which makes everyone else feel very comfortable. And I have to say, the staff is great. So, if any of my friends in the neighboring towns — East Brunswick, Edison, Milltown — need an oral surgeon, I highly recommend Dr. Simos and all the doctors here at the Oral Surgery Group."

Sherry Ext DI facewall
Sherry Ext DI facewall
Sherry Reviews Her Dental Implant Procedure

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"When I first walked into this practice, I felt very comfortable. It's absolutely beautiful. Dr. Engel was very, very kind. The procedure went very well. Healing was very quick. My quality of life has definitely improved. Now it's perfect. It feels great to have a healthy smile. I like smiling. I would definitely recommend the Oral Surgery Group to anybody that needs dental implants or extractions. I would do it again if I had to. "

Cathy got a dental implant at Oral Surgery Group
Cathy got a dental implant at Oral Surgery Group
Cathy Reviews Her Dental Implant Procedure

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"The reason I came in to see Dr. Stern was actually at home. [I] made myself homemade chicken salad, bit down, and the bone went in and broke my tooth in half. When I first came through the door, it was calming. The team in the office is just fabulous. Dr. Stern is very thorough, under control, and you always feel that you won’t leave the office until he has everything just the way it should be. For my friends and family in North Brunswick, I highly recommend the Oral Surgery Group."

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is not a good candidate for dental implants?

Dental implants are a great option for most people who want to replace their missing teeth, but they may not be perfect for everyone. Patients must be healthy enough to undergo dental procedures to receive implants. Additionally, enough bone must be left beneath the gums to support a successful implant. If too much bone loss has occurred, you may still be able to receive implants after a bone grafting procedure.

Can dental implants be done in a day?

If there is enough jaw bone to support an implant, you can have a tooth extracted and immediately replaced with a dental implant. If you do not have enough jaw bone, we can insert a bone graft to stimulate bone growth. You will return once the graft has healed and then receive your dental implant.

Is getting dental implants painful?

We make every effort to keep you as comfortable as possible throughout your treatment. We offer a variety of anesthesia and sedation options. Many patients undergo IV sedation for dental implant surgery. This renders you into a semi-conscious state, unable to feel pain, and you will wake up when it is over. You can manage any post-operative pain with ice packs or over-the-counter pain medications.

How long after dental implants can I eat normally?

You should avoid chewing on the side of your mouth with the implant until the surgical sites have healed, which takes a couple of weeks. Eat soft foods for the first few days after surgery and resume your normal diet as tolerated. Be careful around the surgical sites and follow the instructions given to you by your surgeon for a smooth and speedy recovery.

Decades of Trusted Care

Start your journey to better oral health and a more confident smile at Oral Surgery Group. Our compassionate team of specialists will walk you through every step, answer your questions, and make you feel like a part of our family. Learn more about us or schedule an appointment.